I feel blessed having grown up in a loving family of six, me being the eldest child, living on an estate in Hornsey North London. The days where it was safe for you to play out with your friends!
Already involved in horse riding and having lessons at the weekend, I felt there was still something missing at home. So yes!!! It was always me the one asking for an animal to have at home.
“Dad, when can we get a dog?”
He would answer, “When we own a house with a garden!”
For me, that seemed much too long to wait!
Playing out with my friends one day, we met a medium-sized, mixed-breed dog, she was beautiful. Black and Tan, with two dots, one over each eye. She started to follow us, I could tell, she wanted to play and have company.
She was wearing a collar and her name on it was Lassie. Me having watched every episode of the famous Lassie series and films thought this dog is special!!
Day by day, I would look out for her, give her treats. I learned that although she had a home, they used to put her out in the morning and not let her in until late at night. Why would you do that?? Why get a dog and then throw her out in the morning and not let her come home until late??
She was just left to wonder all day. Lassie loved all the attention, she was so so clever. She got so excited and looked forward to us coming home from school so that we could play ball with her. We taught her lots, including how to speak!!
The design of the house we lived in was sort of upside-down, being built on a hill. So from the front, you would walk into the kitchen & lounge. Mine and my sibling’s bedrooms were downstairs, and my mum & dad’s all the way on the top floor!!
Are you getting the picture?…
Come bedtime, I would go down into my room and open the back window. Lassie being the clever girl she was, used to jump in. It got to the stage, that she preferred to stay with me than to go to her own home! So the sleepovers began.
My parents were none the wiser and I was happy because I had my dog. So for about a week, every morning I would open the window, let her out, then go up for breakfast!!
We had just finished dinner one evening when there was a knock on the front door. Dad went to answer, and all I could hear was a commotion about a dog. It was Lassie’s owner!!!!! I hid behind my dad shaking!
With Lead and bowl in hand, she said to my dad, if you want the bloody dog have her!!! He then turned to me with a blank expression and looked. I gave him them cute daddy’s girl eyes and spent the next week washing the dishes and making tea. That was a fair price to pay because all that mattered is that I had my dog.
Lassie that day become part of the family, she was around 2 years old then. We later found out that she had originally come from Battersea dogs home, been caught, and returned there twice by dog catchers.
All she wanted was a place to belong and be loved. She was our family dog and did belong and was loved dearly by all of us. Eventually, we did move, to a beautiful house, with a huge garden, and opposite a splendid park.
One day whilst in season she managed to jump a six-foot gate, escaped, and got herself pregnant! She gave birth to 8 puppies, of which all were homed. We had her spayed and Lassie lived 16 more very happy years there.
She was so intelligent and really obedient, she could when asked…. close the door, open the door, fetch almost anything. I took her everywhere with me, even to the stables and out riding. She was amazing and was then my first rescue animal. Unfortunately, I have only a few pictures that I have found.
Those of you with dogs and any animals will understand the connection, happiness, loyalty, and companionship. Back then I think Lassie needed me as much as I wanted her.