Another year has been and gone, and what a year it was! Although, things have still been difficult with COVID restrictions we have managed to improve the forever homes for our animals and add 6 more additions to our Trex family.
What does the word achievement actually mean? – A thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage. I’ve taken some time to sit down and look back at all the things we as an animal sanctuary have achieved during 2021.
In 2021 we rescued a total of 6 animals, including 2 horses, 3 puppies & a parrot. You can say we have even saved some humans too. People who were so desperate to find homes for these animals as they couldn’t care for them anymore.
Although to some, this may not seem like many, for us it’s an addition to the other animals that live here permanently. Which now tally up to the following!
6 Horses
4 Dogs
5 Cats
9 Goats
30 Chickens
2 Guinea Foul
3 Pea Foul
1 Goose
1 Duck
1 Parrot
This year we have formed a brilliant team of volunteers, which without them, it would have been impossible to get to where we are now.
Here at Trex Andalucia Animal Sanctuary, the animals have a home for life. Once an animal moves in, they live out the rest of their years, being loved, fed, and cared for. Never rehomed!
Through generous donations and help from volunteers, we were able to complete some of our projects and provide a permanent home for our rescues. We were able to buy a brand new cage for Jacko, our African grey parrot, so he now has a new indoor home as well as an outdoor area. This enables him to be handled daily, so he has as much interaction as possible!
We successfully built a home for our Peacock and two peahens and even built a field shelter for the two rescued horses, so they can get out of the elements of the heavy rain and strong winds that we suffer from time to time.
We concreted two stables and made a cozy indoor place for our puppies to sleep inside during the colder nights and our Eco Allotment continues to expand and provide food for our animals.
This Christmas and for our December birthdays my hubby made one of my dreams come true and had a wishing well delivered on Christmas Eve.
Although not a living being, it will stand as a very important part of the sanctuary and serve as a memorial to my dear mum who passed away 4 years ago.
Despite the ongoing COVID restrictions, we have still managed to host numerous successful events this year, including our first dog show, a horse wash, Natural Horsemanship, a Christmas Fayre, a Halloween party, and many Quiz nights!
Throughout the year we were able to raise enough money to complete certain projects, rescue new animals, keep our animals fed and cared for in every way.
We now have 18 monthly donors which is an amazing achievement but are still looking for more. The more support we can get, the more we can keep on growing, care for our animals and be able to help other animals needing permanent homes.
Donations also help us with hidden chores behind the scenes… dreaded paperwork, vet appointments, shopping, repairs, weather damage, etc.
So please if you’d like to adopt an animal or make a donation, just get in touch or donate through our website.
This year is my year! 2022 is the year of the tiger and my aim is to build bridges, create a vision, take action, challenge myself, and most importantly, be courageous. These steps I believe are necessary actions towards achieving my goals.
So for the last day of 2021, I am going to make my first wish. I hope it comes true! From all of our animals and the team at Trex Andalucia, we wish you a happy and healthy New Year.